Source code for catpy.client

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json

from six import string_types
import requests
import numpy as np

[docs]def make_url(base_url, *args): """ Given any number of URL components, join them as if they were a path regardless of trailing and prepending slashes Examples -------- >>> make_url('', 'mail') '' >>> make_url('', '/mail') '' """ for arg in args: arg_str = str(arg) joiner = '' if base_url.endswith('/') else '/' relative = arg_str[1:] if arg_str.startswith('/') else arg_str base_url = requests.compat.urljoin(base_url + joiner, relative) return base_url
[docs]class CatmaidClient(object): """ Python object handling authentication, request pooling etc. for requests made to a CATMAID server. """ def __init__(self, base_url, token=None, auth_name=None, auth_pass=None, project_id=None): """ Instantiate CatmaidClient object for handling requests to a CATMAID server. Parameters ---------- base_url : str URL at which CATMAID server is running token : str API token as assigned by CATMAID server auth_name : str HTTP auth username auth_pass : str HTTP auth password project_id : int (Optional) """ self.base_url = base_url self._session = requests.Session() if auth_name is not None and auth_pass is not None: self.set_http_auth(auth_name, auth_pass) if token is not None: self.set_api_token(token) self.project_id = project_id
[docs] def set_http_auth(self, username, password): """ Set HTTP authorization for CatmaidClient in place. Parameters ---------- username : str HTTP authorization username password : str HTTP authorization password Returns ------- CatmaidClient Reference to the same, now-authenticated CatmaidClient instance """ self._session.auth = (username, password) return self
[docs] def set_api_token(self, token): """ Set CatmaidClient to use the given API token in place. Parameters ---------- token : str API token associated with your CATMAID account Returns ------- CatmaidClient Reference to the same, now-authenticated CatmaidClient instance """ self._session.headers['X-Authorization'] = 'Token ' + token return self
def _make_request_url(self, arg): """ Create an absolute request URL for the CATMAID server. Parameters ---------- arg : str or tuple of str Relative URL (to the base_url). If a tuple is passed, its elements will be joined with '/'. Returns ------- str """ if isinstance(arg, string_types): return make_url(self.base_url, arg) else: return make_url(self.base_url, *arg) @classmethod
[docs] def from_json(cls, path, with_project_id=True): """ Return a CatmaidClient instance with credentials matching those in a JSON file. Should have the property `base_url` as a minimum. If HTTP authentication is required, should have the properties `auth_name` and `auth_pass`. If you intend to use an authorized CATMAID account (required for some endpoints), should have the property `token`. Can optionally include the property `project_id`. Parameters ---------- path : str Path to the JSON credentials file with_project_id : bool Whether to look for the `project_id` field (it can be set later on the returned CatmaidClient instance) Returns ------- CatmaidClient Instance of the API, authenticated with """ with open(path) as f: credentials = json.load(f) return cls( credentials['base_url'], credentials.get('token'), credentials.get('auth_name'), credentials.get('auth_pass'), credentials.get('project_id') if with_project_id else None )
[docs] def get(self, relative_url, params=None, raw=False): """ Get data from a running instance of CATMAID. Parameters ---------- relative_url : str or tuple of str URL to send the request to, relative to the base_url. If a tuple is passed, its elements will be joined with '/'. params: dict or str, optional JSON-like key/value data to be included in the get URL (defaults to empty) raw: bool, optional Whether to return the response as a string (defaults to returning a dict) Returns ------- dict or str Data returned from CATMAID: type depends on the 'raw' parameter. """ return self.fetch(relative_url, method='GET', data=params, raw=raw)
[docs] def post(self, relative_url, data=None, raw=False): """ Post data to a running instance of CATMAID. Parameters ---------- relative_url : str or tuple of str URL to send the request to, relative to the base_url. If a tuple is passed, its elements will be joined with '/'. data: dict or str, optional JSON-like key/value data to be included in the request as a payload (defaults to empty) raw: bool, optional Whether to return the response as a string (defaults to returning a dict) Returns ------- dict or str Data returned from CATMAID: type depends on the 'raw' parameter. """ return self.fetch(relative_url, method='POST', data=data, raw=raw)
[docs] def fetch(self, relative_url, method='GET', data=None, raw=False): """ Interact with the CATMAID server in a manner very similar to the javascript CATMAID.fetch API. Parameters ---------- relative_url : str or tuple of str URL to send the request to, relative to the base_url. If a tuple is passed, its elements will be joined with '/'. method: {'GET', 'POST'}, optional HTTP method to use (the default is 'GET') data: dict or str, optional JSON-like key/value data to be included in the request as a payload (defaults to empty) raw: bool, optional Whether to return the response as a string (defaults to returning a dict) Returns ------- dict or str Data returned from CATMAID: type depends on the 'raw' parameter. """ url = self._make_request_url(relative_url) data = data or dict() if method.upper() == 'GET': response = self._session.get(url, params=data) elif method.upper() == 'POST': response =, data=data) else: raise ValueError('Unknown HTTP method {}'.format(repr(method))) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() if not raw else response.text
[docs]class CoordinateTransformer(object): def __init__(self, resolution=None, translation=None): """ Helper class for transforming between stack and project coordinates. Parameters ---------- resolution : dict x, y and z resolution of the stack translation : dict x, y and z the location of the stack's origin (0, 0, 0) in project space """ if resolution is None: resolution = dict() if translation is None: translation = dict() self.resolution = {dim: resolution.get(dim, 1) for dim in 'xyz'} self.translation = {dim: translation.get(dim, 0) for dim in 'xyz'} self._resolution_arrays = dict() self._translation_arrays = dict() @classmethod
[docs] def from_catmaid(cls, catmaid_client, stack_id): """ Return a CoordinateTransformer for a particular CATMAID stack. Parameters ---------- catmaid_client : CatmaidClient Authenticated instance of CatmaidClient stack_id : int Returns ------- CoordinateTransformer """ stack_info = catmaid_client.get((catmaid_client.project_id, 'stack', stack_id, 'info')) return cls(stack_info['resolution'], stack_info['translation'])
def _get_resolution_array(self, dims): if dims not in self._resolution_arrays: self._resolution_arrays[dims] = np.array([self.resolution[dim] for dim in dims]) return self._resolution_arrays[dims] def _get_translation_array(self, dims): if dims not in self._resolution_arrays: self._translation_arrays[dims] = np.array([self.translation[dim] for dim in dims]) return self._translation_arrays[dims]
[docs] def project_to_stack_coord(self, dim, project_coord): return (project_coord - self.translation[dim]) / self.resolution[dim]
[docs] def project_to_stack(self, project_coords): """ Take a point in project space and transform it into stack space. Parameters ---------- project_coords : dict x, y, and/or z coordinates in project / real space Returns ------- dict coordinates transformed into stack / voxel space """ return {dim: self.project_to_stack_coord(dim, proj_coord) for dim, proj_coord in project_coords.items()}
[docs] def project_to_stack_array(self, arr, dims='xyz'): """ Take an array of points in project space and transform them into stack space. Parameters ---------- arr : array-like M by N array containing M coordinates in project / real space in N dimensions dims : str Order of dimensions in columns, default 'xyz' Returns ------- np.ndarray M by N array containing M coordinates in stack / voxel space in N dimensions """ arr = np.array(arr) resolution_arr = self._get_resolution_array(dims) translation_arr = self._get_translation_array(dims) return (arr - translation_arr) / resolution_arr
[docs] def stack_to_project_coord(self, dim, stack_coord): return stack_coord * self.resolution[dim] + self.translation[dim]
[docs] def stack_to_project(self, stack_coords): """ Take a point in stack space and transform it into project space. Parameters ---------- stack_coords : dict x, y, and/or z coordinates in stack / voxel space Returns ------- dict coordinates transformed into project / real space """ return {dim: self.stack_to_project_coord(dim, stack_coord) for dim, stack_coord in stack_coords.items()}
[docs] def stack_to_project_array(self, arr, dims='xyz'): """ Take an array of points in stack space and transform them into project space. Parameters ---------- arr : array-like M by N array containing M coordinates in stack / voxel space in N dimensions dims : array-like or str Order of dimensions in columns, default (x, y, z) Returns ------- np.ndarray M by N array containing M coordinates in project / real space in N dimensions """ arr = np.array(arr) resolution_arr = self._get_resolution_array(dims) translation_arr = self._get_translation_array(dims) return arr * resolution_arr + translation_arr