catpy.util module¶
(treenodes_response, z_depth)[source]¶ Get the locations of all virtual nodes in the given skeleton response, with the IDs of the material nodes proximal and distal to the virtual slab.
Parameters: - treenodes_response: sequence of sequences of any
“nodes” element of compact-skeleton or compact-arbor API response: row values are [treenode_id, parent_id, _, location_x, location_y, location_z, …]
- z_depth: float
Z resolution of the stack
Returns: - iterator of (
(proximal_treenode_id, distal_treenode_id), [
(proximal_vnode_x, proximal_vnode_y, proximal_vnode_z), … (distal_vnode_x, distal_vnode_y, distal_vnode_z)
- )
(parent_xyz, child_xyz, z_depth)[source]¶ Yield the locations of virtual treenodes between two material treenodes.
The parent and child’s z coordinates will be quantized to the nearest multiple of z_depth. Virtual nodes will be projected onto any multiples of z_depth between the parent and child, and their (x, y, z) coordinates will be yielded in parent -> child order.
Parameters: - parent_xyz : sequence of (float, float, float)
- child_xyz : sequence of (float, float, float)
- z_depth : float
e.g. z-resolution
Returns: - Iterator of (x,y,z) tuples