Source code for catpy.image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, absolute_import

import logging
from io import BytesIO
from collections import OrderedDict

from requests import HTTPError
from timeit import timeit
import itertools
from warnings import warn

from concurrent.futures import Future, as_completed
from enum import IntEnum, Enum

import sys
from six import string_types

from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import requests
from requests_futures.sessions import FuturesSession

from catpy import CoordinateTransformer
from catpy.client import StackOrientation

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs]class DummyTqdm(object): def __init__(self, iterable, *args, **kwargs): self.iterable = iterable def __iter__(self): return iter(self.iterable)
[docs] def write(self, s): sys.stdout.write(s)
try: from tqdm import tqdm imported_tqdm = True except ImportError: warn('Install tqdm for tile download progress bars') tqdm = DummyTqdm imported_tqdm = False DEFAULT_CACHE_ITEMS = 10 DEFAULT_CACHE_BYTES = None THREADS = 10 SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES = { 'image/png', 'image/jpeg' }
[docs]class StrEnum(Enum): def __str__(self): return str(self.value)
[docs]class Orientation3D(StrEnum): NUMPY = 'zyx' C = 'zyx' ZYX = 'zyx' VIGRA = 'xyz' FORTRAN = 'xyz' XYZ = 'xyz'
[docs]class BrokenSliceHandling(StrEnum): FILL = 'fill'
# ABOVE = 'above' # BELOW = 'below' # CLOSEST = 'closest' # INTERPOLATE = 'interpolate' DEFAULT_BROKEN_SLICE_HANDLING = BrokenSliceHandling.FILL
[docs]class ROIMode(StrEnum): STACK = 'stack' SCALED = 'scaled' PROJECT = 'project'
[docs] def format(self, **kwargs): try: format_url = format_urls[self] except KeyError: raise ValueError( "{} is not supported by TileFetcher, supported types are below:\n\t{}".format( self, '\n\t'.join(str(k) for k in sorted(format_urls)) ) ) return format_url.format(**kwargs)
format_urls = { TileSourceType.FILE_BASED: '{image_base}{{depth}}/{{row}}_{{col}}_{{zoom_level}}.{file_extension}', TileSourceType.FILE_BASED_WITH_ZOOM_DIRS: '{image_base}{{depth}}/{{zoom_level}}/{{row}}_{{col}}.{file_extension}', TileSourceType.DIR_BASED: '{image_base}{{zoom_level}}/{{depth}}/{{row}}/{{col}}.{file_extension}', TileSourceType.RENDER_SERVICE: '{image_base}largeDataTileSource/{tile_width}/{tile_height}/' '{{zoom_level}}/{{depth}}/{{row}}/{{col}}.{file_extension}', TileSourceType.FLIXSERVER: '{image_base}{{depth}}/{{row}}_{{col}}_{{zoom_level}}.{file_extension}', }
[docs]def response_to_array(response, pil_kwargs=None): response.raise_for_status() content_type = response.headers['Content-Type'] if content_type in SUPPORTED_CONTENT_TYPES: buffer = BytesIO(response.content) # opening directly from raw response doesn't work for JPEGs raw_img = pil_kwargs = dict(pil_kwargs) if pil_kwargs else dict() pil_kwargs['mode'] = pil_kwargs.get('mode', 'L') grey_img = raw_img.convert(**pil_kwargs) return np.array(grey_img) else: raise NotImplementedError('Image fetching is only implemented for greyscale PNG and JPEG, not {}'.format( content_type.upper().split('/')[1] ))
[docs]def response_to_array_callback(session, response): response.array = response_to_array(response)
[docs]def as_future(item): if isinstance(item, Future): return item f = Future() f.set_result(item) return f
[docs]def fill_tiled_cuboid(min_tile_idx, max_tile_idx): if not min_tile_idx.is_comparable(max_tile_idx): raise ValueError('Tile indices are not comparable (different zoom or size)') iters = [range(getattr(min_tile_idx, name), getattr(max_tile_idx, name) + 1) for name in ('depth', 'row', 'col')] return { TileIndex(depth, row, col, min_tile_idx.zoom_level, min_tile_idx.height, min_tile_idx.width) for depth, row, col in itertools.product(*iters) }
[docs]def dict_subtract(d1, d2): if set(d1) != set(d2): raise ValueError("Dicts have different keys") out = dict() for key in d1.keys(): out[key] = d1[key] - d2[key] return out
[docs]def is_valid_format_url(format_url): """ Ensure that the given URL has the required format keys for use as a format URL. Parameters ---------- format_url : str Returns ------- bool """ components = ['image_base', '{depth}', '{zoom_level}', '{row}', '{col}', 'file_extension'] return all('{' + component + '}' in format_url for component in components)
[docs]class TileIndex(object): hash_keys = ('depth', 'row', 'col', 'zoom_level', 'height', 'width') url_keys = ('depth', 'row', 'col', 'zoom_level') comparable_keys = ('zoom_level', 'height', 'width') def __init__(self, depth, row, col, zoom_level, height, width): """ Parameters ---------- depth : int z-index row : int y-index col : int x-index zoom_level : int height : int Scaled pixels width : int Scaled pixels """ self.depth = depth self.row = row self.col = col self.zoom_level = zoom_level # todo: not actually necessary? self.height = height self.width = width @property def coords(self): """ Calculate the coordinates of the tile's upper left corner, in scaled stack coordinates. Returns ------- dict """ return { 'x': self.width * self.col, 'y': self.height * self.row, 'z': self.depth }
[docs] def is_comparable(self, other): return all(getattr(self, key) == getattr(other, key, None) for key in self.comparable_keys)
@property def url_kwargs(self): return {key: getattr(self, key) for key in self.url_keys} def __repr__(self): return 'TileIndex({})'.format(', '.join('{}={}'.format(key, getattr(self, key)) for key in self.hash_keys)) def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(getattr(self, name) for name in self.hash_keys)) def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other)
[docs]class StackMirror(object): def __init__( self, image_base, tile_height, tile_width, tile_source_type, file_extension, title=None, position=0, auth=None ): """ Representation of CATMAID stack mirror Parameters ---------- image_base : str tile_width : int tile_height : int tile_source_type : int or TileSourceType file_extension : str title : str position : int """ self.auth = auth self.image_base = image_base if image_base.endswith('/') else image_base + '/' self.tile_height = int(tile_height) self.tile_width = int(tile_width) self.tile_source_type = TileSourceType(tile_source_type) self.file_extension = file_extension[1:] if file_extension.startswith('.') else file_extension self.title = str(title) self.position = int(position) self.format_url = self.tile_source_type.format(**self.__dict__)
[docs] def generate_url(self, tile_index): """ Generate absolute URL to desired image Parameters ---------- tile_index : TileIndex Returns ------- str """ if tile_index.height != self.tile_height and tile_index.width != self.tile_width: raise ValueError('Given TileIndex is not compatible with this stack mirror') return self.format_url.format(**tile_index.url_kwargs)
[docs] def get_tile_index(self, scaled_coords, zoom_level=0): """ Parameters ---------- scaled_coords : dict zoom_level : int Returns ------- tuple of (TileIndex, dict) Index of tile on which this pixel appears, and its offset from the top left shallow corner of that tile """ tile_idx = TileIndex( depth=int(scaled_coords['z']), row=int(scaled_coords['y'] / self.tile_height), col=int(scaled_coords['x'] / self.tile_width), zoom_level=zoom_level, height=self.tile_height, width=self.tile_width ) tile_coords = tile_idx.coords offset = {dim: scaled_coords[dim] - tile_coords[dim] for dim in 'xyz'} return tile_idx, offset
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ Instantiate StackMirror from one of the items in the 'mirrors' list supplied under CATMAID's {project_id}/stack/{stack_id}/info endpoint Parameters ---------- d : dict Returns ------- StackMirror """ return cls( d['image_base'], d['tile_height'], d['tile_width'], d['tile_source_type'], d['file_extension'], d['title'], d['position'] )
[docs]class Stack(object): def __init__(self, dimension, broken_slices=None, canary_location=None): """ Representation of an image stack which could be used by CATMAID. Parameters ---------- dimension : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}, size of stack in voxels broken_slices : iterable of int z-slice indices which are missing from stack canary_location : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z} """ self.dimension = dimension self.broken_slices = {int(s) for s in broken_slices} if broken_slices else set() self.canary_location = canary_location or {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0} self.mirrors = []
[docs] def get_fastest_mirror(self, timeout=1, reps=1, normalise_by_tile_size=True): """ Determine the fastest accessible mirror. Parameters ---------- timeout : float Timeout in seconds for each request to the tile server reps : int How many times to fetch the canary tile, for robustness normalise_by_tile_size : bool Whether to normalise the fetch time by the tile size used by this mirror (to get per-pixel response time) Returns ------- StackMirror """ response_times = [] tqdm_kwargs = { 'ncols': 80, 'unit': 'mirrors', 'desc': 'Checking mirrors' } for mirror in DummyTqdm(self.mirrors, **tqdm_kwargs): tile_index, _ = mirror.get_tile_index(self.canary_location) url = mirror.generate_url(tile_index) try: response_time = timeit(lambda: requests.get(url, timeout=timeout), number=reps) if normalise_by_tile_size: response_time /= tile_index.width * tile_index.height response_times.append((mirror, response_time)) except (requests.exceptions.Timeout, requests.exceptions.ConnectionError): continue if not response_times: raise ValueError('No reachable mirrors found') return min(response_times, key=lambda pair: pair[1])[0]
[docs]class ProjectStack(Stack): orientation_choices = { 0: "xy", 1: "xz", 2: "zy", } def __init__(self, dimension, translation, resolution, orientation, broken_slices=None, canary_location=None): """ Representation of an image stack as it pertains to a CATMAID project Parameters ---------- dimension : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}, size of stack in voxels translation : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}, origin of stack in project space resolution : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z}, size of stack voxels in project units orientation : {'xy', 'xz' 'zy'} broken_slices : iterable of int z-slice indices which are missing from stack canary_location : dict {'x': x, 'y': y, 'z': z} """ super(ProjectStack, self).__init__(dimension, broken_slices, canary_location) self.translation = translation self.resolution = resolution self.orientation = StackOrientation.from_value(orientation)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack_info(cls, stack_info): """ Instantiate Stack from the response supplied by CATMAID's {project_id}/stack/{stack_id}/info endpoint Parameters ---------- stack_info : dict Returns ------- Stack """ stack = cls( stack_info['dimension'], stack_info['translation'], stack_info['resolution'], stack_info['orientation'], stack_info['broken_slices'], stack_info['canary_location'] ) mirrors = [StackMirror.from_dict(d) for d in stack_info['mirrors']] stack.mirrors.extend(sorted(mirrors, key=lambda m: (m.position, m.title))) return stack
[docs]class TileCache(object): def __init__(self, max_items=DEFAULT_CACHE_ITEMS, max_bytes=DEFAULT_CACHE_BYTES): super(TileCache, self).__init__() self.max_bytes = max_bytes self.max_items = max_items self._dict = OrderedDict() @property def current_bytes(self): """ Current total size, in bytes, of the cache's values Returns ------- int """ if self.max_bytes is None: return -1 return sum(value.nbytes for value in self._dict.values()) def __setitem__(self, key, value): """ Append value to cache under the given key. If this causes the cache to break the size constraints, remove the oldest items until it is valid again. Parameters ---------- key : TileIndex value : np.ndarray """ if key in self._dict: del self._dict[key] self._dict[key] = value self._constrain_size() def __getitem__(self, key): value = self._dict.pop(key) self._dict[key] = value return value
[docs] def clear(self): self._dict.clear()
def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._dict def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def _constrain_size(self): if self.max_items is not None: while len(self) > self.max_items: self._dict.popitem(False) if self.max_bytes is not None: total_bytes = self.current_bytes while total_bytes > self.max_bytes: key, value = self._dict.popitem(False) total_bytes -= value.nbytes
[docs]class ImageFetcher(object): show_progress = imported_tqdm def __init__( self, stack, output_orientation=DEFAULT_3D_ORIENTATION, preferred_mirror=None, timeout=1, cache_items=DEFAULT_CACHE_ITEMS, cache_bytes=DEFAULT_CACHE_BYTES, broken_slice_handling=DEFAULT_BROKEN_SLICE_HANDLING, cval=0, auth=None ): """ Parameters ---------- stack : Stack output_orientation : str or Orientation3D default Orientation3D.ZYX preferred_mirror : int or str or StackMirror, optional default None timeout : float, optional default 1 cache_items : int, optional default 10 cache_bytes : int, optional default None broken_slice_handling : str or BrokenSliceHandling default BrokenSliceHandling.FILL cval : int, optional default 0 auth : (str, str), optional Tuple of (username, password) for basic HTTP authentication, to be used if the selected mirror has no defined ``auth``. Default None """ self.stack = stack self.depth_dimension = 'z' self.source_orientation = self.depth_dimension + 'yx' self.broken_slice_handling = BrokenSliceHandling(broken_slice_handling) if self.broken_slice_handling == BrokenSliceHandling.FILL: self.cval = cval else: self.cval = None self.target_orientation = str(output_orientation) self._dimension_mappings = self._map_dimensions() self.timeout = timeout self.coord_trans = CoordinateTransformer( *[getattr(self.stack, name, None) for name in ('resolution', 'translation', 'orientation')] ) self.tqdm = tqdm if self.show_progress else DummyTqdm self._tile_cache = TileCache(cache_items, cache_bytes) self._session = requests.Session() self._auth = auth self._mirror = None self.mirror = preferred_mirror @property def auth(self): return self._auth @auth.setter def auth(self, name_pass): self._auth = name_pass if self._mirror and not self._mirror.auth: self._session.auth = name_pass @property def mirror(self): if not self._mirror: warn( 'No mirror set: falling back to {}, which may not be accessible.' 'You might want to run set_fastest_mirror.'.format(self.stack.mirrors[0].title) ) m = self.stack.mirrors[0] self._session.auth = m.auth or self.auth return m return self._mirror @mirror.setter def mirror(self, preferred_mirror): """ Set mirror by its string name, its position attribute, or the object itself Parameters ---------- preferred_mirror : str or int or StackMirror """ if preferred_mirror is None: self._mirror = None elif isinstance(preferred_mirror, StackMirror): if preferred_mirror not in self.stack.mirrors: raise ValueError("Selected mirror is not in stack's mirrors") self._mirror = preferred_mirror else: try: pos = int(preferred_mirror) matching_mirrors = [m for m in self.stack.mirrors if m.position == pos] if not matching_mirrors: warn('Preferred mirror position {} does not exist, choose from {}'.format( pos, ', '.join(str(m.position) for m in self.stack.mirrors) )) return elif len(matching_mirrors) > 1: warn('More than one mirror found for position {}, picking {}'.format( pos, matching_mirrors[0].title )) self._mirror = matching_mirrors[0] except (ValueError, TypeError): if isinstance(preferred_mirror, string_types): matching_mirrors = [m for m in self.stack.mirrors if m.title == preferred_mirror] if not matching_mirrors: warn('Preferred mirror called {} does not exist, choose from {}'.format( preferred_mirror, ', '.join(m.title for m in self.stack.mirrors) )) return elif len(matching_mirrors) > 1: warn('More than one mirror found for title {}, picking first'.format(preferred_mirror)) self._mirror = matching_mirrors[0] if self._mirror is not None and self._mirror.auth: self._session.auth = self._mirror.auth else: self._session.auth = self.auth
[docs] def clear_cache(self): self._tile_cache.clear()
def _map_dimensions(self): """ Find the indices of the target dimensions in the source dimension order Returns ------- tuple of int Examples -------- >>> self.source_orientation = 'xyz' >>> self.target_orientation = 'yzx' >>> self._map_dimensions() (1, 2, 0) """ mapping = {dim: idx for idx, dim in enumerate(self.source_orientation)} return tuple(mapping[dim] for dim in self.target_orientation) def _reorient_volume_src_to_tgt(self, volume): arr = np.asarray(volume) if len(arr.shape) == 2: arr = np.expand_dims(arr, 0) if len(arr.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Unknown dimension of volume: should be 2D or 3D') return np.moveaxis(arr, (0, 1, 2), self._dimension_mappings) def _make_empty_tile(self, width, height=None): height = height or width tile = np.empty((height, width), dtype=np.uint8) tile.fill(self.cval) return tile def _get_tile(self, tile_index): """ Get the tile from the cache, handle broken slices, or fetch. Parameters ---------- tile_index : TileIndex Returns ------- Future """ try: return self._tile_cache[tile_index] except KeyError: pass if tile_index.depth in self.stack.broken_slices: if self.broken_slice_handling == BrokenSliceHandling.FILL and self.cval is not None: return self._make_empty_tile(tile_index.width, tile_index.height) else: raise NotImplementedError( "'fill' with a non-None cval is the only implemented broken slice handling mode" ) return self._fetch(tile_index) def _roi_to_tiles(self, roi_src, zoom_level): """ Parameters ---------- roi_src : array-like 2 x 3 array where the rows are the half-closed interval of which pixels to select in the given dimension and at the given zoom level, and the columns are the 3 dimensions in the source orientation zoom_level : int Zoom level at which roi is scaled and which images will be fetched Returns ------- set of TileIndex Set of tile indices to fetch dict of {str to dict of {str to int}} {'min': {}, 'max': {}} with values {'x': int, 'y': int, 'z': int} Pixel offsets of the minimum maximum pixels from the shallow-top-left corner of the tile which they are on """ closed_roi = np.array(roi_src) closed_roi[1, :] -= 1 min_pixel = dict(zip(self.source_orientation, closed_roi[0, :])) max_pixel = dict(zip(self.source_orientation, closed_roi[1, :])) min_tile, min_offset = self.mirror.get_tile_index(min_pixel, zoom_level) max_tile, max_offset = self.mirror.get_tile_index(max_pixel, zoom_level) tile_indices = fill_tiled_cuboid(min_tile, max_tile) src_inner_slicing = {'min': min_offset, 'max': max_offset} return tile_indices, src_inner_slicing def _insert_tile_into_arr(self, tile_index, src_tile, min_tile, max_tile, src_inner_slicing, out): min_col = tile_index.col == min_tile.col max_col = tile_index.col == max_tile.col min_row = tile_index.row == min_tile.row max_row = tile_index.row == max_tile.row tile_slicing_dict = { 'z': slice(None), 'y': slice( src_inner_slicing['min']['y'] if min_row else None, src_inner_slicing['max']['y'] + 1 if max_row else None ), 'x': slice( src_inner_slicing['min']['x'] if min_col else None, src_inner_slicing['max']['x'] + 1 if max_col else None ), } tile_slicing = tuple(tile_slicing_dict[dim] for dim in self.source_orientation if dim in 'xy') tgt_tile = self._reorient_volume_src_to_tgt(src_tile[tile_slicing]) untrimmed_topleft = dict_subtract(tile_index.coords, min_tile.coords) # location of the top left of the tile in out topleft_dict = { 'z': untrimmed_topleft['z'], # we don't trim in Z 'y': 0 if min_row else untrimmed_topleft['y'] - src_inner_slicing['min']['y'], 'x': 0 if min_col else untrimmed_topleft['x'] - src_inner_slicing['min']['x'], } topleft = tuple(topleft_dict[dim] for dim in self.target_orientation) arr_slice = tuple(slice(tl, tl + s) for tl, s in zip(topleft, tgt_tile.shape)) out[arr_slice] = tgt_tile def _iter_tiles(self, tile_indices): for tile_idx in tile_indices: yield self._get_tile(tile_idx), tile_idx def _assemble_tiles(self, tile_indices, src_inner_slicing, out): """ Parameters ---------- tile_indices : list of TileIndex tiles to be got, reoriented, and compiled. src_inner_slicing : dict of str to {dict of str to int} {'min': {}, 'max': {}} with values {'x': int, 'y': int, 'z': int} out : array-like target-spaced, into which the tiles will be written Returns ------- np.ndarray """ min_tile = min(tile_indices, key=lambda idx: (idx.depth, idx.row, idx.col)) max_tile = max(tile_indices, key=lambda idx: (idx.depth, idx.row, idx.col)) tqdm_kwargs = { 'total': len(tile_indices), 'ncols': 80, 'unit': 'tiles', 'desc': 'Downloading tiles' } for src_tile, tile_index in self.tqdm(self._iter_tiles(tile_indices), **tqdm_kwargs): self._tile_cache[tile_index] = src_tile self._insert_tile_into_arr(tile_index, src_tile, min_tile, max_tile, src_inner_slicing, out) return out def _fetch(self, tile_index): """ Parameters ---------- tile_index : TileIndex Returns ------- Future of np.ndarray in source orientation """ url = self.mirror.generate_url(tile_index) try: return response_to_array(self._session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout)) except HTTPError as e: if e.response.status_code == 404: logger.warning("Tile not found at %s (error 404), returning blank tile", url) return self._make_empty_tile(tile_index.width, tile_index.height) else: raise def _reorient_roi_tgt_to_src(self, roi_tgt): return roi_tgt[:, self._dimension_mappings]
[docs] def roi_to_scaled(self, roi, roi_mode, zoom_level): """ Convert ROI into scaled stack space, keeping in the target dimension order. Parameters ---------- roi : np.ndarray ROI as 2x3 array containing half-closed bounds in the target dimension order roi_mode : ROIMode or str Whether the ROI is in "project", "stack", or "scaled" stack coordinates zoom_level : float The desired zoom level of the returned data Returns ------- np.ndarray ROI as 2x3 array containing half-closed bounds in scaled stack space in the target dimension order """ roi_mode = ROIMode(roi_mode) roi_tgt = np.asarray(roi) if zoom_level != int(zoom_level): raise NotImplementedError('Non-integer zoom level is not supported') if roi_mode == ROIMode.PROJECT: if not isinstance(self.stack, ProjectStack): raise ValueError("ImageFetcher's stack is not related to a project, cannot use ROIMode.PROJECT") if self.stack.orientation != StackOrientation.XY: warn("Stack orientation differs from project: returned array's orientation will reflect" "stack orientation, not project orientation") roi_tgt = self.coord_trans.project_to_stack_array(roi_tgt, dims=self.target_orientation) roi_mode = ROIMode.STACK if roi_mode == ROIMode.STACK: roi_tgt = self.coord_trans.stack_to_scaled_array(roi_tgt, zoom_level, dims=self.target_orientation) roi_mode = ROIMode.SCALED if roi_mode == ROIMode.SCALED: roi_tgt = np.array([np.floor(roi_tgt[0, :]), np.ceil(roi_tgt[1, :])], dtype=int) else: raise ValueError('Mismatch between roi_mode and roi') # shouldn't be possible return roi_tgt
[docs] def get(self, roi, roi_mode=ROIMode.STACK, zoom_level=0, out=None): """ Fetch image data in the ROI in the dimension order of the target orientation. ROI modes: ROIMode.PROJECT ('project'): - `roi` is given in project space - `zoom_level` specifies the zoom level of returned data - Returned array may overflow desired ROI by < 1 scaled pixel per side - Data will be reoriented from stack space/orientation into the `target_orientation` without going via project space: as such, for stacks with orientation other than 'xy', the output data will not be in the same orientation as the project-spaced query. ROIMode.STACK ('stack'): - Default option - `roi` is given in unscaled stack space (i.e. pixels at zoom level 0) - `zoom_level` specifies the desired zoom level of returned data - Returned array may overflow desired ROI by < 1 scaled pixel per side - Equivalent to ROIMode.SCALED if `zoom_level` == 0 ROIMode.SCALED ('scaled'): - `roi` is given in scaled stack space at the given zoom level. - `zoom_level` specifies the zoom level of ROI and returned data - Returned array treats `roi` as a half-closed interval: i.e. it should have shape np.diff(roi, axis=0) Parameters ---------- roi : array-like 2 x 3 array where the columns are the 3 dimensions in the target orientation, and the rows are the upper and lower bounds of the ROI. roi_mode : ROIMode or str Default ROIMode.STACK zoom_level : int out : array-like or None Anything with array-like __setitem__ handling (e.g. np.ndarray, np.memmap, h5py.File, z5py.File), to which the results will be written. Must have the same shape in as the ROI does in scaled pixels. If None (default), will create a new np.ndarray. Returns ------- array-like """ roi_tgt = self.roi_to_scaled(roi, roi_mode, zoom_level) roi_src = self._reorient_roi_tgt_to_src(roi_tgt) tile_indices, inner_slicing_src = self._roi_to_tiles(roi_src, zoom_level) if out is None: out = np.zeros(np.diff(roi_tgt, axis=0).squeeze(), dtype=np.uint8) return self._assemble_tiles(tile_indices, inner_slicing_src, out)
[docs] def get_project_space(self, roi, zoom_level=0, out=None): """ Equivalent to `get` method with roi_mode=ROIMode.PROJECT """ return self.get(roi, ROIMode.PROJECT, zoom_level, out)
[docs] def get_stack_space(self, roi, zoom_level=0, out=None): """ Equivalent to `get` method with roi_mode=ROIMode.STACK """ return self.get(roi, ROIMode.STACK, zoom_level, out)
[docs] def get_scaled_space(self, roi, zoom_level=0, out=None): """ Equivalent to `get` method with roi_mode=ROIMode.SCALED """ return self.get(roi, ROIMode.SCALED, zoom_level, out)
[docs] def set_fastest_mirror(self, reps=1, normalise_by_tile_size=True): """ Set the ImageFetcher to use the fastest accessible mirror. Parameters ---------- reps : int How many times to fetch the canary tile, for robustness normalise_by_tile_size : bool Whether to normalise the fetch time by the tile size used by this mirror (to get per-pixel response time) """ self.mirror = self.stack.get_fastest_mirror(self.timeout, reps, normalise_by_tile_size)
[docs] @classmethod def from_stack_info(cls, stack_info, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- stack_info : dict args, kwargs See __init__ for arguments beyond stack Returns ------- ImageFetcher """ return cls(ProjectStack.from_stack_info(stack_info), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_catmaid(cls, catmaid, stack_id, *args, **kwargs): """ Parameters ---------- catmaid : catpy.AbstractCatmaidClient stack_id : int args, kwargs See __init__ for arguments beyond stack Returns ------- ImageFetcher """ stack_info = catmaid.get((catmaid.project_id, 'stack', stack_id, 'info')) return cls.from_stack_info(stack_info, *args, **kwargs)
[docs]class DummyResponse(object): def __init__(self, array): self.array = array
[docs]def as_future_response(array): return as_future(DummyResponse(array))
[docs]class ThreadedImageFetcher(ImageFetcher): def __init__( self, stack, output_orientation=DEFAULT_3D_ORIENTATION, preferred_mirror=None, timeout=1, cache_items=DEFAULT_CACHE_ITEMS, cache_bytes=DEFAULT_CACHE_BYTES, broken_slice_handling=DEFAULT_BROKEN_SLICE_HANDLING, cval=0, auth=None, threads=THREADS ): """ Note: for small numbers of tiles on fast internet connection, ImageFetcher may be faster Parameters ---------- stack : Stack output_orientation : str or Orientation3D default Orientation3D.ZYX preferred_mirror : int or str or StackMirror or None default None timeout : float default 1 cache_items : int or None default 10 cache_bytes : int or None default None broken_slice_handling : str or BrokenSliceHandling default BrokenSliceHandling.FILL cval : int default 0 threads : int default 10 """ super(ThreadedImageFetcher, self).__init__( stack, output_orientation, preferred_mirror, timeout, cache_items, cache_bytes, broken_slice_handling, cval, auth ) self._session = FuturesSession(session=self._session, max_workers=threads) def _get_tile(self, tile_index): """ Get the tile from the cache, handle broken slices, or fetch. Parameters ---------- tile_index : TileIndex Returns ------- Future """ try: return as_future_response(self._tile_cache[tile_index]) except KeyError: pass if tile_index.depth in self.stack.broken_slices: if self.broken_slice_handling == BrokenSliceHandling.FILL and self.cval is not None: tile = np.empty((tile_index.width, tile_index.height)) tile.fill(self.cval) return as_future_response(tile) else: raise NotImplementedError( "'fill' with a non-None cval is the only implemented broken slice handling mode" ) return self._fetch(tile_index) def _iter_tiles(self, tile_indices):'Queuing requests, may take a few seconds...') fetched_tiles = {self._get_tile(tile_index): tile_index for tile_index in tile_indices} for tile_future in as_completed(fetched_tiles): yield tile_future.result().array, fetched_tiles[tile_future] def _fetch(self, tile_index): """ Parameters ---------- tile_index : TileIndex Returns ------- Future of np.ndarray in source orientation """ url = self.mirror.generate_url(tile_index) return self._session.get(url, timeout=self.timeout, background_callback=response_to_array_callback)