catpy.applications.base module

class catpy.applications.base.CatmaidClientApplication(catmaid_client)[source]

Bases: catpy.client.AbstractCatmaidClient

An application which uses the CATMAID interface. Users should subclass this when creating their own applications.



fetch(*args, **kwargs) Interact with the CATMAID server in a manner very similar to the javascript CATMAID.fetch API.
from_json(credentials, *args, **kwargs) Return a CatmaidClientApplication instance whose underlying CatmaidClient object is instantiated from the JSON file as per its own from_json method.
get(relative_url[, params, raw]) Get data from a running instance of CATMAID.
post(relative_url[, data, raw]) Post data to a running instance of CATMAID.
fetch(*args, **kwargs)

Interact with the CATMAID server in a manner very similar to the javascript CATMAID.fetch API.

relative_url : str or tuple of str

URL to send the request to, relative to the base_url. If a tuple is passed, its elements will be joined with ‘/’.

method: {‘GET’, ‘POST’}, optional

HTTP method to use (the default is ‘GET’)

data: dict or str, optional

JSON-like key/value data to be included in the request as a payload (defaults to empty)

raw: bool, optional

Whether to return the response as a string regardless of its content-type (by default, JSON responses will be parsed)


Extra keyword arguments to pass to requests.Session.get/post(), depending on method

dict or list or str

Data returned from CATMAID. JSON responses will be parsed unless raw is True; all other responses will be returned as strings.

classmethod from_json(credentials, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Return a CatmaidClientApplication instance whose underlying CatmaidClient object is instantiated from the JSON file as per its own from_json method.

path : str

Path to the JSON credentials file

args, kwargs

Arguments passed to constructor of concrete subclass


Instance of the API, authenticated with
